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  • brittanyviehmann

Wine Not?

I didn't just wake up one day and decide I want to be a blogger today. I honestly didn't think I could do it. What could I possibly even talk about? Would anyone even like what I have to say? My kids are gone, my husband was working so I grabbed my favorite bottle of wine; sat down and said here goes nothing. I've always known that God had given me something to say; a story to tell. I'm human I make mistakes, say stupid things, yell when I shouldn't, cry when I'm angry, I struggle, I fall and I get up I keep going for my kids, my husband, and because God didn't create me to just give up. So here I am I created my blog while drinking a glass of wine smiling because I did it.

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Carlie Pinkston Schulte
Carlie Pinkston Schulte
Jul 21, 2021

You are awesome! I love it so far! Very real and authentic ❤️

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