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  • brittanyviehmann

What Am I Doing Here?

That’s a question I ask myself often! I often find myself in situations socially where I just don’t know what to say or I’m awkwardly trying to start a conversation, but it comes out all weird and jumbled. Life doesn’t ever seem to follow how it does in the books I read. I’m not the most popular, or the fairest of them all, but you know what? I’m the person you can call when you need someone to talk to or to help you out with a situation. Sometimes I wish I could hit this magical reset button and make whatever stupid thing I said go away or make myself less awkward. God made me the way I am for a reason and that is just something that I’ve had to accept. Even in the moments when I can’t understand how I found myself in the situation I’m in I just have to know it’s for a reason. I often look at my co-workers and say I swear the weirdest things happen to me, or when I take an epic fall in the hallway but have no clue what I even tripped over. Those are the moments when I’m just lying on the ground that I’m like well what am I doing in life? Is my life where I want it to be no do I feel like I’m starting to figure out what I want out of life yes. Do I think God has amazing things in store for me absolutely. Do I know what I’m doing here absolutely not but will I figure it out yes. To go back to the question so what are you doing here and what do you want out of life?

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Carlie Pinkston Schulte
Carlie Pinkston Schulte
Jul 21, 2021

I can totally relate to this feeling!

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