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  • brittanyviehmann

What am I a moving target?

Don’t know about you but some days I feel like a moving target! Sometimes I can’t comprehend the weird unexplainable things that happen to me that I feel like no one has happen. For example I’ve been MIA because my daughter has a 3rd degree chemical burn on her head from bleaching her hair and required a skin graft. Shes also the same child that stabbed herself in the eye with scissors and had to go to the hospital. I could go one for hours about things my children have done. There are just some days that I feel like I have a target on my back and satan is slinging arrows at me. Things just start happening and I get overwhelmed and in my head because I just feel defeated and when that happened its like a rollercoaster of well its because I don’t fit in and I should just go away. Seriously I don’t know about you but sometimes I end up going down this rabbit hole and it could be because I had a flat tire. Regardless of the bad days or unexplainable days I know it’s just a single day and the next day or week it’ll be ok.

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1 Comment

Kathryn Elizabeth Goodwin
Kathryn Elizabeth Goodwin
Jul 21, 2021

Your amazing and the enemy doesn’t steal from empty houses he knows how valuable you are to the kingdom. So yes you have a target on your back. It’s stressful but turn it over and trust his process even the bumpy parts

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